The CV is DEAD!!
So the CV’s dead. That’s it. It’s gone. It’s over. Move on. Is it finally time to ditch the CV? Since 2009 you’ll start finding online articles about the death of the CV. The advice ranges from replacing it with charts and infographics, through to personalised websites, and we’ve even seen online gamified CV’s with…
Is Your Hiring Process Fast Enough?
Why hiring quickly matters! Over the next 5 days, I will be talking about the 5 most common hiring challenges that companies in the IT and Engineering sectors are facing and offer some ideas on how to overcome them. Problem #1 – Losing Candidates Before The Offer Stage In candidate driven markets such as IT & Engineering, the ability to move…
Standing Out From The Competition
Why it matters and how to stand out from the crowd! In today’s part two of “5 common hiring challenges that IT and Engineering companies face” is… #2 – Standing Out from The Competition The number one way to differentiate your company is with a strong Employer Brand. This is not something that can be…
Selling Yourself As An SME
and why it’s a strength! In today’s part four of “5 hiring challenges that IT and Engineering companies face” is… #4 – 𝙎𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙖𝙨 𝙖𝙣 𝙎𝙈𝙀 If you’re an SME business, why would someone join your company? What concerns might a potential new employee have about joining and are you addressing them effectively? As…
How to Reduce Risk in the Hiring Process
3 Ways to Reduce Risk When Hiring In my experience, there are two major risks when making a new hire; Number one , you decide that the new hire isn’t a good fit for the business or number two the new hire decides that you’re not a good fit for them! It’s expensive to make the wrong hiring…
How to Handle Two Competing Job Offers or Interviews
If you have received multiple job offers, this article will help you decide which is right for you… Applying and interviewing for a new job can be stressful and time-consuming, particularly for those who are already in full-time employment or education. What can make the process even more challenging is interviewing for multiple jobs in…
Tips For Remote Hiring
The pitfalls, risks and opportunities of remote hiring. What are the biggest challenges when hiring remotely? There are two obvious ones; Practicality – the tools you need and the way that you hire. Communication – not just from company to candidate but also internally amongst stakeholders. It might come as a surprise but the person…
44% Would Take 10% Pay Cut To Work From Home Forever
But why should they have to? According to a recent Forbes article written by John Koetsier, it’s seems that 44% of people surveyed, would take 10% less salary to work from home forever. John makes some greats points in his article, including pointing out the fact that 56% of people wouldn’t take a pay cut! “But 56% say…
How To Stand Out To Employers And Get Interviews
Our definitive guide to improving your application success rate. Have you ever been frustrated that you didn’t receive a response from a job application? Are you unsure how to stand out from the crowd and ensure that you get call backs and interviews? If you can nail the following 3 areas, then you will significantly…
Striving for Diversity in the Technology & Engineering Sector
Diversity and Inclusion are hot topics in HR & recruitment. The IT & engineering sectors are particularly challenging as they are still very much male-dominated fields. So what solutions are there to help reduce unconscious bias and secure the best talent? Blind CVs – this is when information that could allude to someone’s gender, nationality,…