Striving for Diversity in the Technology & Engineering Sector

Diversity and Inclusion are hot topics in HR & recruitment. The IT & engineering sectors are particularly challenging as they are still very much male-dominated fields. So what solutions are there to help reduce unconscious bias and secure the best talent? Blind CVs – this is when information that could allude to someone’s gender, nationality,…


One Virus, Six Perspectives.

Six individuals, all in very different situations, share their stories on how Coronavirus has impacted their life. There is no doubt that the Coronavirus and the lockdown has affected absolutely everybody, but has it affected everyone in the same way? We asked six individuals, all in different circumstances, all facing different challenges and each with…


Working from Home in 2021: Are You Risking Your Health?

With the recent news that Google staf f will continue to work from home until 2021, we are already seeing pressure on smaller


7 Predictions about Software Development trends in 2021

With the recent news that Google staf f will continue to work from home until 2021, we are already seeing pressure on smaller


Why you shouldn’t hire a ‘Hammer Carpenter’

What’s in a job title?? When it comes to job titles, why does the world of technology seem to differ from many other industries? In the world of software development, you’ll often see; ‘PHP Developer’, ‘Java Developer’ ‘C++ Developer’ Outside of the world of IT, including the ‘tool’ within the job title seems ludicrous; ‘Hammer…


Hiring Guide – Part 1: The Search

Ripple Recruit have put together a 3 part series, which covers the 3 most important areas of hiring; The Search, The Interview, The Offer. Part 1: The Search Tip #1 – Focus 80% of your search on passive candidates There are two types of candidates; Active candidates searching and applying for new jobs. Passive candidates that are not applying…


Candidate Shortage Continues To Hit UK Says Report On Jobs

The UK continues to suffer from a shortage of candidates, according to the latest IHS Markit/Recruitment & Employment Confederation ‘Report on Jobs’. March’s report signalled a further sharp increase in permanent staff placements across the UK, with the pace of expansion edging up fractionally since February, contrasting with temp billings which expanded at the weakest…


Best Questions to Ask at a Job Interview

You have so many questions, which should you ask in an interview? It’s getting towards the end of the interview for your dream job and you hear the one question that you knew would come… “What questions do you have for us?” In almost every interview that you attend, you’ll get the opportunity to ask…


Your CV is Terrible… (probably)

The average recruiter looks at your CV for 7 seconds, make each second count! I’ve been recruiting for over 13 years and during that time I estimate that I’ve reviewed over 150,000 CV’s. I’ve seen some really impressive CV’s, I’ve seen some really terrible CV’s and I’ve seen a whole bunch of somewhere in between…


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