Hiring Guide – Part 3: The Offer

Ripple Recruit have put together a 3 part series , which covers the 3 most important areas of hiring; The Search, The Interview, The Offer. Part 3: The Offer You’ve found your ideal candidate, the interviewing is complete and you’ve decided to make an offer, you’re nearly over the finish line…but not quite! Putting forward an offer is…


Which Benefits Do Your Employees Value The Most?

With so many options, how can you make sure that you’re offer the best benefits package? With the increasing trend for employers striving to offering a better work / life balance, benefit packages are becoming more important than ever, not only for attracting but also retaining your employees. It’s no longer enough to offer a competitive salary . If…


9 Warning Signs You Need A New Job

Have you had a bad day? Maybe a bad week? If you’ve had a bad month, quarter or even year then perhaps it’s time start thinking about changing jobs! Sometimes it’s obvious that it’s time to change jobs but at other times, you may not realise the negative impact that staying in a job that…


5 Things That You Should Do For Your Career Before You’re 30

This checklist will help you get ahead and stand out from other candidates when looking for new opportunities. Thinking about the future can be tough, especially when it comes to your career. But having a plan in place and working on your professional growth can make you a more well-rounded, employable person – and help…


5 Key Skills Engineering Employers Look For When Hiring Talent

Are you ready for a career in engineering? The UK’s engineering sector is vast and plays an important role in the health and growth of our economy. Working in the world of engineering can be incredibly lucrative, with average salaries weighing in at more than £47,000 per year . And money isn’t the only benefit; private health…


How to Use the STAR Technique to Answer Interview Questions

Situation, Task, Action, Result… Whether you’re being interviewed for a role in engineering, technology or science, the chances are that at least some of the questions you’re asked will be competency based. Interviewers often ask questions about ability, using phrases like ‘tell me about a time you achieved…’ and ‘explain how you… in a previous role’ to…


6 Alternative Careers in the World of Science

Don’t want to be stuck in a lab? We’ve got you covered… Whether you’re fresh out of university or you’re looking for a new challenge, finding a career in science can be hard work. Not everybody wants to stay in a lab, and not everyone has the luxury of being able to travel to the…


How Brexit Could Change the Employment Market

We round up everything we know so far… With the United Kingdom set to leave the European Union on 29th March 2019, virtually every part of our lives has come under scrutiny. Politicians, business leaders and everyday citizens are trying to piece together what the United Kingdom will look like once we leave, and how…


Why Candidates Are Declining Your Job Offers

and what you can do about it! Recruiting exceptional employees is difficult. Identifying and engaging with them can be a challenge but securing them in an extremely competitive market such as IT or Engineering can be even tougher. If you’ve ever been responsible for hiring, it’s extremely likely that you’ve had a job offer declined….


Why You Should Never Accept a Counter Offer

And the REAL reasons your employer wants you to stay… That’s it, you’ve had enough. You’ve spent the last couple of months moaning to your partner, your kids and your friends about how much you hate your job. Even your dog is sick of hearing about it! It’s time to move on and find a…


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